
城内住宅誌その2 キーワードと正誤訂正

キーワード 城内住宅 引揚者 釜山国民学校 鎮海中学 福岡大空襲 勤労動員  東唐津駅 筑肥線蒸気機関車 石炭くべ 和白軍事工場 雁ノ巣飛行場  九アン(Q1) 水上飛行機 城内練兵場 戦前の福博地域 正誤訂正 九アン→キュウワン・Q1 一ノ瀬俊也氏ご教示により、正しくは九州飛行場製作の海軍対潜水艦哨戒機 Q1W1のことと知りました。また話者に下記HP写真 ウィキペデア航空機東海

をみせたところ、「忘れてしもうたが、これだった」とのこと、また水上飛行機は 雁ノ巣飛行場にはいたが、学生がそれを作ることはなかったそうです。本文では Q1と水上飛行機を混同していましたので、つつしんで訂正いたします。 キュウアンと聞こえたのでそのまま文字にしていました。確認のため初校を渡し てもいたが、奥さまへの伝言依頼のままに放置していたので、正確が期せなかった ことをおわびします。  また疾風はキ87ではなくキ84(きのはちよん)のことでした。訂正します。

城内住宅誌その2 英文要旨

Jonai Jutakushi  Following Jonai Jutakushi, we recorded interviews with seven individuals at Jonai Jutaku (城内住宅). The first interviewees were Mr. and Mrs. Nakano. Mr. Nakano has experienced air raids on both Tokyo and Fukuoka (Tokyo Daikushu and Fukuoka Daikushu). He made aircraft parts for sea planes at the underground factory in the Wajiro Mountains as a part of the labor mobilization campaign (Kinro Doin). The trial flights of the completed sea planes were conducted at Gannosu airport, but most of the aircraft were duds and didn't fly. The second couple interviewed was Mr. and Mrs. Yoshida. Mr. Yoshida fled Pusan, losing everything he owned in the process. In addition, after he returned to Japan, his older brother died. The next interviewee was Mr. Matsuda, who was mobilized for labor as a coal stoker on a steam locomotive (石炭くべ). He also witnessed air raids on Fukuoka, and his brother was killed in the field. There was a large old nettle tree in Jonai Jutaku. At one time this area had been a drill court and the nettle tree was the marker for foot races. Those who came in last had to run another lap. The soldiers have strong memories of this tree. The fourth interview was conducted with Mr. and Mrs. Kobayashi. They were asked about their memories of the Fuku-Haku area(福博地域) in Fukuoka City during the Taisho and Showa periods.
